Friday, August 18, 2006

got calvinism

I have a T-shirt that has on the front "got calvinism" and on the back a quote about Calvin (no mention of the TULIP accorynm). A friend of mine (who is calvinistic) was talking to me about the shirt. After the converstaion, I realized that he had no interest in my opinion against calvinism and I had no interest in his opinion in favor of calvinism, but we both were respectful of each other's opinion. I do not think it is that simplistic, but this experience made me question the idea of being open minded.

I have done some studying on both sides of the issue of calvinism and believe there is some merit to each side, but I describe myself more on the side of not being very calvinistic. I feel like I have been open minded to each side, but how do I continue to be open minded to a calvinistic mindset of the world when I have already concluded it is too legalistic? I feel like I understand the issue enough to make an informed opinion, but I do not feel I really need to be open minded to the possiblity of me be completely wrong about calvinistic thought. Does that mean I am too narrow minded?

I believe a calvinistic thought is too complex to base an opinion on a shirt or a short conversation. I hope to be in the middle between a Calvinist and Arminianist, but how do I do that through my interation with other people that might lean one way more than I do?

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